Hello guys!

Happy Sunday! Today is Father’s day and I am so excited, I have been excited about this day for more than one month. In today’s post I will be writing letters to the great men in my life.

Dear Abba,

I am so grateful for all that you have done for me, words really can not express how grateful I am. My life has had a turnaround ever since I met you. I hunger and thirst for you and I just want more and more of you. I am sure you get my letters every time and I am so sure you are very proud of the woman I am becoming. Thank you for shaping me into a woman after you very own heart and for helping me understand who a true Father is. I celebrate you this day and always.                                                                                  Love, Pribodunke

Dear Dad,

My number one boyfriend anytime any day, my manager, I want to say a big thank you for being a strong father, unwavering and confident. Thank you for being a huge role model, for pushing me to take risks and go a little further. I remember all those times when I used to get angry with you over stupid things, all our little fights here and there have made me stronger. I love you so much Baba.                                              Love, Pribodunke

Dear Future Husband,

I trust you are in good health, there are so many things I would love to write to you but I will keep that for later. I am sure wherever you are, you are in good health and preparinv for this awesome person (me) that you will spend the rest of your life with. Prepare to have the best times of your life and get ready to travel a lot as we will tour this world together spreading the gospel. And darn, our boys will be children all men will desire, children taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. Thumbs up in advance because I know you will be the best Father ever.  I wish above all things that you be in good health and your soul prospers.                                                                          Love, Pribodunke

Dear Boy-friend,

I am sure you can see the space between the boy and friend…well, that is the friend zone you have been kicked into… anyways I would like to say some words that will definitely affect your life and future.                         Firstly, please do not be given to strong wine and be drunk with wine, it messes with your thinking and who does not want a man who can think straight? Secondly, do not be quick-tempered, it really does not solve anything, have you not noticed how you tend to bark like a dog when you try to get your message across? Thirdly, please and please be loyal and loving, do not go around acting as a Yoruba demon waiting to break that girl’s heart…make your intentions known and move on. Also, please be swift to hear and slow to speak let your speech be seasoned with grace.                                                                                          Love, Pribodunke

Now to my outfit:

I decided to go out of my comfort zone and dress a little bit like my Dad and I think I tried. This look can be worn to work, to church or to a formal event


Blazer: Pamaia’s wardrobe

Pants: New look

Camisole: YDs

Shoes: Jumia

You can also write a letter to the men in your life in the comment section below.

Do not forget to follow me on InstagramTwitter and Facebook if you you have not. Also, don’t forget to like and share this post.

Xoxo, Pribodunke💕